Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What's Your Food Resolution?

I know,I know that I haven't post anything for so long. I don't have any reason but...laziness.
It's December now, and I just realized that it's almost a year since we moved here. In a few weeks will be 2013.
So, what is your resolution for 2013? I don't really in to resolution thing too myself actually (and I never really keep my resolution, or remember the resolutions I've made before, ha ha!). However,resolution is a good thing to keep you in spirit in improving ourselves.
Anyway, I came across this site and saw that they suggest us to consume meals with at least half vegetables the whole family will benefit, as the picture bellow that I took from their site.

It has 'wow'-ed me, and I think it probably good idea to implement a good portion of veggies every day. I admitted I hadn't give my family enough veggies. There's almost-always some portion of veggies on our table, but probably not good enough. Oh, and I love veggies, but I don't eat fruit well. I don't know why.

I think this portion of veggies suggestion gave me ideas of resolution: Next year I will serve more veggies and more fruits for my family, insyaAllah. I don't know how yet, but I will find a way. One of the way is probably getting the right tools.

I always thought that beee-a-tiful stand mixer like this..
or this..
(pics from here)
~ooh look at their colours *gulp*~ a dream kitchen utensil that I could always dreamed of, but probably will never buy it. It's really expensive!!
Now after thinking of my resolution, I don't really want those mixers anymore. I mean, I don't bake cake a lot, and I start begin to think that cakes made from too much flour, and too much sugar, and too much fat... too much whatever. I made cake mostly for my sons, and sometimes for myself. Now my dream is shifted to....JUICE EXTRACTOR! That will be great to consume fruits, don't you think? But I don't know which juice extractor to dream of. Any suggestion?

Anyway, let's hope that my resolution here become reality (amiiiiin!).

So, what is your food resolution? :)


  1. Klo resolusiku, adl melanjutkan FC = food combining, mencoba food style yg lebih sehat. Trus sebulan yll aku beli juice extractor-nya Phillips mbak, penginnya sih buat mendukung FC yg sedang sy lakukan, tp sampai skr belum dipakai...hehehe.

  2. Haiii...
    aku tu pny buku fc mbak Andang sampe skrg blum pernah nyoba fc..hadeuh hehe. Gmana hasilnya kliatan stlh brp lama?
    juice extractor philips brpan klo boleh tau?
