Friday, April 19, 2013

Oseng-oseng Daun Silverbeet

Oseng-oseng=tumis=stir fy.
I've always seen silverbeet in the grocery stores, but I never eat or cook them before. The leaves are big-thick dark green with white stalk. I was curious about it, but never bought it until one day, one good friend mbak Jeanne posted a picture of Silverbeet dan Udang Masak Santan (silverbeet and shrimp in coconut milk) in facebook. So I asked her about the leaves' taste and how to cook it. It seemed this leaf is just like I thought it was, reminds me of papaya leaves when it cooked.

I finally bought just a bunch, to see how it goes. I was about to cook just like mbak Jeanne did with coconut milk, but I just cooked Opor Ayam (with coconut milk too) a day before. I thought, this could be too much coconut milk in 2 days. So I decided to make something easy, stir fry, as my grandma and my mum used to make. As their old way, I also added fried white bait. Their crunchiness just make it more complete. If you are not familiar with silver beet and white bait(Teri in Indonesian, and I think other part of the world call it anchovy?), I'll post photos of them when I buy them again. Otherwise, just google it please :P

It turn up lovely, almost like papaya leaves but without the bitter taste. Even better, right? My husband ate it too! The best way to eat it is with warm white rice and Sambal Terasi. Sambal is Indonesian condiment made of chilli and it's hoottt!

The recipe I wrote bellow is a very small portion, maybe enough for one or two adult.

Oseng-oseng Daun Silverbeet


1 bunch silverbeet, leave out the white stalk
1 salam leaf (Indonesian bayleaf)
1 small package of white bait, fried and drained

Spices, chopped:
1 big clove garlic
3 shallot
1 big red chilli (take out the seeds if you don't want it hot)
optionally, some cabe rawit (bird's eye chilli) cut in two

- Cut the silverbeet into chunk pieces
- Heat some oil (about 2 tablespoon) in a pan over medium heat.
- Stir in garlic, shallot and chilli until golden.
- Stir in the silverbeat.
- Add some salt
- Add a little water if necessary. Cook until done but not too tender or mushy.
- Turn off the heat off.
- Sprinkle and stir the fried white bait when it's time to eat, to keep the white bait still crunchy.
- Enjoy with white rice and sambal is the best :D

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