It was quite a while that I hadn't seen my electric mixer. After the old one is broke, my dear hubby bought me a new one. But as my Mom was sick and then passed away, the house held some several events like
40 harian (40th day), a prayer for my Mom -even though I was not really agree about holding it, but anyway-. After that, I'm still have to take care of the house. It's darn messy. I just realize that we've been really lived in the junks. The house is too full with too many junks and unnecessary things. I was, and still, overwhelmed, and over-tired too.
Oh if you notice, I'm posting in English. I have to, for practice. Why? Later, maybe in a few months I will tell you guys. So, please forgive me for my lousy English :)
Back to the topic.
Due to those events I mentioned above, people came and helped us. Some stuffs in the house had to be moved somewhere. Apparently my electric mixer was moved too. I lost it for few days. But, I finally found it in one of the bedroom. Phew!
I'm glad my baby's back ^^
I have to admit, that I probably accept too much tasks after my Mom got sick. I still have a lot of tasks now. I know I probably should delegate some tasks to some other people. But to whom??
Maybe this fatigue has switch off my brain, I almost can't think of what should I do with the stuffs that still untouched in the house. They're just darn too freaking-many!
Anyway, I remember the time when I got depression after having new babies few years back. Baking, or making any delicacies, could loosen up my nerves. So, I thought making something with my mixer might help. I begun to think of what to make. I thought making easy cake will be great. Maybe just buttercake with 2 eggs. I remember I've once made a buttercake into
cupcake. So I thought to make one again based on that recipe, only marbled.
I thought to add something tangy. I thought of orange. But the fridge said that I don't have any. But I have lemon! Nice.
While Pak Sadam, a distance neighbor, helped us moving up some stuffs while I was just pointing my finger to which stuffs should be moved, I started to make a cake. A marble buttercake, I thought.
I took out my digital scale, and turn it on. But nooo! It's not on! I'm not sure whether it need new battery or just broke. But I wasn't give up. I knew I have to switch the scaling into measuring with cups. I also got the margarine in sachet that weight 200 gram. So I imagined that the sachet was divided into 4 part, and I just took three part of it. (
Sesat ya? ;p) So the measurement will be as you'll see bellow.
I used the 20x20cm tin. The cake came out quite flat, but not sodden. If you want to try this recipe, I suggest you to take a loaf tin. I used yogurt instead of milk to make it moister. The top has nice crumble. The chocolate part taste chocolaty dark, and the white part has a subtle lemony taste. Oh and I used margarine, only because my butter has expired. I still think butter is a better option.
Oh I typed too much. Here's the recipe. Enjoy :)
Lemony Marble Cake
1 1/4 cup flour
150 gr butter/margarine
2/3 cup sugar
2 eggs
zest of 1 lemon
1 tbsp of lemon juice
125 gr yogurt
1 heap tsp cocoa powder
4 tsp hot/warm water
- Preheat oven on 180C
- Mix cocoa with hot water until become paste. Set aside.
- Mix yogurt with zest and juice. Set aside.
- Beat margarine and sugar with electric mixer til the color turn to pale.
- Mix in eggs, one by one until quite fluffy-er.
- Mix flour and yogurt in with spatula, alternating each.
- Take about one third or half of the batter and mix it with the cocoa paste. Then you'll get white and chocolate batter.
- Line a tin with paper. I use 20x20cm tin (and it became thin cake, only about 1-1.5cm tall cake. Maybe you better use loaf tin ;))
- Pour in both of the batter with spatula or spoon into the tin. Make swirls with chopstick or sharp knife to make marble effect.
- Bake for about 20-30 minutes or until it passed the poking test.
- Get it out of the oven. Cut and eat. ;p
Makes about 16 slices